Entries in %term%

Let's do some art. Lightpainting

Writing and painting with light. This idea is not a new one:
You just take a camera, switch it to longtime exposure and paint with a flashlight, or LED, some characters in front of it. This works properly, if you are able to draw. I'm not.
So I just stood by admiring those people, but knew I will never be able to do this. Two years ago, while I visited the 30c3 (Chaos Computer Congress), there were some guys from Blinkinlabs. They sold some bags full LED stripes. I bought on e myself anf found out, that you are able to blink own images with it. But unfortunately mine broke after some days of testing. They are not (very) waterproof...

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Internet Kill Switch

This Kill Switch is the last action, to prevent things getting up- or downloaded into/from the net. This idea came into my mind about 1-2 years ago, but to be honest: I never had a good idea to use it for. So I put it onto my "One day you'll build this"-list and nearly forgot about it. But now a project called "Kliemannsland" started here in Germany. An awesome idea of building a place for creative people, in rurality on an old farm, between Hamburg and Bremen.

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